

2018-12-23 13:08:32浏览:457评论:0 来源:山村网   
核心摘要:  2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了

­  2018考研复习进行时,考研英语阅读真题中的文章,多摘自英美主流外刊,有时候你认识所有单词、搞清全部语法还不够,还需要了解英美文化,掌握他们的表达方式,这就是阅读的潜台词。下面新东方在线考研整理《2018考研英语双语阅读精选》,速来学习吧!

­  Beijing introduces homes jointly owned by government, owners

­  又放大招!北京拟推出“共有产权”住房 网友:谁可买?咋申请?

­  More homes with joint property rights between the government and occupiers will come on the market in Beijing to bring down prices and meet the needs of local people without a home, the municipal government said Thursday.

­  北京市政府于8月1日宣布,为了进一步控制房价,满足更多当地无房家庭的住房需求,政府决定推出政府与购房人按份共有产权的“共有产权”住房。

­  According to a document issued by the city’s housing, development and reform, finance and land planning departments, the new homes will be jointly owned by the government and their buyers, and the government will give its share of "the right of use" to the latter.

­  北京市住建委近日会同北京市发展改革委、北京市财政局、北京市规划国土委近日联合起草了一份文件,文件中称此住房产权为政府和购房人共同持有,政府将其持有的部分产权的“使用权”让渡给购房人。

­  Buyers and their families must have no homes under their names. Single people should be at least 30 years old. And one family should only apply for one home.

­  据悉,该住房供应对象为家庭成员名下均无住房的家庭。单身家庭申请购买的,申请人应当年满30周岁。一个家庭只能购买一套共有产权住房。

­  Households living or working in a certain district will have priority for the new homes in the district over purchasers from other districts, the regulations said.

­  相关条文还规定,该种住房以区为单位,优先当地户籍、就地就业的人员购买。

­  Five years after the purchase, owners can sell their shares based on market price, but the government or its assigned management agencies shall have a preemptive right to buy-back.

­  共有产权住房购买5年后,购房者可按市场价格转让所购房屋产权份额,但政府和代持机构则享有优先回购权。

­  Officials from the city’s housing department said the new policies are designed to fend off speculation and make the housing system fairer by helping more residents live in their own homes.

­  北京市住建委的相关负责人表示新政策意在抑制投机,促进住房公平,令更多居民早日住上自己的房子。


2018考研大纲英语(一)变化有哪些 英语一词汇大纲备考



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