

2019-03-09 13:01:00浏览:966 来源:山村网   
核心摘要:一、效果预览全部折叠展开一级全部展开二、代码示例怎么样?效果还行吧。给出js的源码供大家参考。(function ($) { 'use strict'



JS组件之BootstrapTable的treegrid功能怎么用 山村





(function ($) { 'use strict'; var sprintf = function (str) { var args = arguments,  flag = true,  i = 1; str = str.replace(/%s/g, function () {  var arg = args[i++];  if (typeof arg === 'undefined') {  flag = false;  return '';  }  return arg; }); return flag ? str : ''; }; var getFieldIndex = function (columns, field) { var index = -1; $.each(columns, function (i, column) {  if (column.field === field) {  index = i;  return false;  }  return true; }); return index; }; var calculateObjectValue = function (self, name, args, defaultValue) { var func = name; if (typeof name === 'string') {  var names = name.split('.');  if (names.length > 1) {  func = window;  $.each(names, function (i, f) {   func = func[f];  });  } else {  func = window[name];  } } if (typeof func === 'object') {  return func; } if (typeof func === 'function') {  return func.apply(self, args); } if (!func && typeof name === 'string' && sprintf.apply(this, [name].concat(args))) {  return sprintf.apply(this, [name].concat(args)); } return defaultValue; }; var getItemField = function (item, field) { var value = item; if (typeof field !== 'string' || item.hasOwnProperty(field)) {  return item[field]; } var props = field.split('.'); for (var p in props) {  value = value[props[p]]; } return value; }; var getParent = function (node, source, field) { var data = []; var items = $.grep(source, function (item, index) {  return node.ParentId == item[field]; }); $.each(items, function (index, item) {  data.splice(0, 0, item);  var child = getParent(item, source, field);  $.each(child, function (i, n) {  data.splice(0, 0, n);  }); }); return data; }; var getChild = function (node, source, field) { var data = []; var items = $.grep(source, function (item, index) {  return item.ParentId == node[field]; }); $.each(items, function (index, item) {  data.push(item);  var child = getChild(item, source, field);  $.each(child, function (i, n) {  data.push(n);  }); }); return data; }; //调用bootstrapTable组件的构造器得到对象 var BootstrapTable = $.fn.bootstrapTable.Constructor, _initData = BootstrapTable.prototype.initData, _initPagination = BootstrapTable.prototype.initPagination, _initBody = BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody; //重写bootstrapTable的initData方法 BootstrapTable.prototype.initData = function () { _initData.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); var that = this; if (that.options.treeView && this.data.length > 0) {  var rows = [];  var roots = $.grep(this.data, function (row, index) {  return row.Level == that.options.treeRootLevel;  });  $.each(roots, function (index, item) {  rows.push(item);  var child = getChild(item, that.data, that.options.treeId);  $.each(child, function (i, n) {   if (that.options.treeCollapseAll) {   n.hidden = true;   }   rows.push(n);  });  });  that.options.data = that.data = rows; } }; //重写bootstrapTable的initPagination方法 BootstrapTable.prototype.initPagination = function () { //理论情况下,treegrid是不支持分页的,所以默认分页参数为false this.options.pagination = false;  //调用“父类”的“虚方法” _initPagination.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments)); }; //重写bootstrapTable的initBody方法 BootstrapTable.prototype.initBody = function (fixedScroll) { var that = this,  html = [],  data = this.getData(); this.trigger('pre-body', data); this.$body = this.$el.find('tbody'); if (!this.$body.length) {  this.$body = $('<tbody></tbody>').appendTo(this.$el); } if (!this.options.pagination || this.options.sidePagination === 'server') {  this.pageFrom = 1;  this.pageTo = data.length; } for (var i = this.pageFrom - 1; i < this.pageTo; i++) {  var key,  item = data[i],  style = {},  csses = [],  data_ = '',  attributes = {},  htmlAttributes = [];  if (item.hidden) continue;  style = calculateObjectValue(this.options, this.options.rowStyle, [item, i], style);  if (style && style.css) {  for (key in style.css) {   csses.push(key + ': ' + style.css[key]);  }  }  attributes = calculateObjectValue(this.options,  this.options.rowAttributes, [item, i], attributes);  if (attributes) {  for (key in attributes) {   htmlAttributes.push(sprintf('%s="%s"', key, escapeHTML(attributes[key])));  }  }  if (item._data && !$.isEmptyObject(item._data)) {  $.each(item._data, function (k, v) {   if (k === 'index') {   return;   }   data_ += sprintf(' data-%s="%s"', k, v);  });  }  html.push('<tr',  sprintf(' %s', htmlAttributes.join(' ')),  sprintf(' id="%s"', $.isArray(item) ? undefined : item._id),  sprintf(' class="%s"', style.classes || ($.isArray(item) ? undefined : item._class)),  sprintf(' data-index="%s"', i),  sprintf(' data-uniqueid="%s"', item[this.options.uniqueId]),  sprintf('%s', data_),  '>'  );  if (this.options.cardView) {  html.push(sprintf('<td colspan="%s">', this.header.fields.length));  }  if (!this.options.cardView && this.options.detailView) {  html.push('<td>',   '<a class="detail-icon" href="javascript:" rel="external nofollow" >',   sprintf('<i class="%s %s"></i>', this.options.iconsPrefix, this.options.icons.detailOpen),   '</a>',   '</td>');  }  $.each(this.header.fields, function (j, field) {  var text = '',   value = getItemField(item, field),   type = '',   cellStyle = {},   id_ = '',   class_ = that.header.classes[j],   data_ = '',   rowspan_ = '',   title_ = '',   column = that.columns[getFieldIndex(that.columns, field)];  if (!column.visible) {   return;  }  style = sprintf('style="%s"', csses.concat(that.header.styles[j]).join('; '));  value = calculateObjectValue(column,   that.header.formatters[j], [value, item, i], value);  if (item['_' + field + '_id']) {   id_ = sprintf(' id="%s"', item['_' + field + '_id']);  }  if (item['_' + field + '_class']) {   class_ = sprintf(' class="%s"', item['_' + field + '_class']);  }  if (item['_' + field + '_rowspan']) {   rowspan_ = sprintf(' rowspan="%s"', item['_' + field + '_rowspan']);  }  if (item['_' + field + '_title']) {   title_ = sprintf(' title="%s"', item['_' + field + '_title']);  }  cellStyle = calculateObjectValue(that.header,   that.header.cellStyles[j], [value, item, i], cellStyle);  if (cellStyle.classes) {   class_ = sprintf(' class="%s"', cellStyle.classes);  }  if (cellStyle.css) {   var csses_ = [];   for (var key in cellStyle.css) {   csses_.push(key + ': ' + cellStyle.css[key]);   }   style = sprintf('style="%s"', csses_.concat(that.header.styles[j]).join('; '));  }  if (item['_' + field + '_data'] && !$.isEmptyObject(item['_' + field + '_data'])) {   $.each(item['_' + field + '_data'], function (k, v) {   if (k === 'index') {    return;   }   data_ += sprintf(' data-%s="%s"', k, v);   });  }  if (column.checkbox || column.radio) {   type = column.checkbox ? 'checkbox' : type;   type = column.radio ? 'radio' : type;   text = [that.options.cardView ?   '<div class="card-view">' : '<td class="bs-checkbox">',   '<input' +   sprintf(' data-index="%s"', i) +   sprintf(' name="%s"', that.options.selectItemName) +   sprintf(' type="%s"', type) +   sprintf(' value="%s"', item[that.options.idField]) +   sprintf(' checked="%s"', value === true ||   (value && value.checked) ? 'checked' : undefined) +   sprintf(' disabled="%s"', !column.checkboxEnabled ||   (value && value.disabled) ? 'disabled' : undefined) +   ' />',   that.header.formatters[j] && typeof value === 'string' ? value : '',   that.options.cardView ? '</div>' : '</td>'   ].join('');   item[that.header.stateField] = value === true || (value && value.checked);  } else {   value = typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null ?   that.options.undefinedText : value;   var indent, icon;   if (that.options.treeView && column.field == that.options.treeField) {   var indent = item.Level == that.options.Level ? '' : sprintf('<span style="margin-left: %spx;"></span>', (item.Level - that.options.treeRootLevel) * 15);   var child = $.grep(data, function (d, i) {    return d.ParentId == item[that.options.treeId] && !d.hidden;   });   icon = sprintf('<span class="tree-icon %s" style="cursor: pointer; margin: 0px 5px;"></span>', child.length > 0 ? that.options.expandIcon : that.options.collapseIcon);   //icon = sprintf('<span class="tree-icon %s" style="cursor: pointer; margin: 0px 5px;"></span>', child.length > 0 ? that.options.expandIcon : "");   }   text = that.options.cardView ? ['<div class="card-view">',   that.options.showHeader ? sprintf('<span class="title" %s>%s</span>', style,    getPropertyFromOther(that.columns, 'field', 'title', field)) : '',   sprintf('<span class="value">%s</span>', value),   '</div>'   ].join('') : [sprintf('<td%s %s %s %s %s %s>', id_, class_, style, data_, rowspan_, title_),   indent,   icon,   value,   '</td>'   ].join('');   if (that.options.cardView && that.options.smartDisplay && value === '') {   text = '';   }  }  html.push(text);  });  if (this.options.cardView) {  html.push('</td>');  }  html.push('</tr>'); } if (!html.length) {  html.push('<tr class="no-records-found">',  sprintf('<td colspan="%s">%s</td>',   this.$header.find('th').length, this.options.formatNoMatches()),  '</tr>'); } this.$body.html(html.join('')); if (!fixedScroll) {  this.scrollTo(0); } this.$body.find('> tr[data-index] > td').off('click dblclick').on('click dblclick', function (e) {  var $td = $(this),  $tr = $td.parent(),  item = that.data[$tr.data('index')],  index = $td[0].cellIndex,  field = that.header.fields[that.options.detailView && !that.options.cardView ? index - 1 : index],  column = that.columns[getFieldIndex(that.columns, field)],  value = getItemField(item, field);  if ($td.find('.detail-icon').length) {  return;  }  that.trigger(e.type === 'click' ? 'click-cell' : 'dbl-click-cell', field, value, item, $td);  that.trigger(e.type === 'click' ? 'click-row' : 'dbl-click-row', item, $tr);  if (e.type === 'click' && that.options.clickToSelect && column.clickToSelect) {  var $selectItem = $tr.find(sprintf('[name="%s"]', that.options.selectItemName));  if ($selectItem.length) {   $selectItem[0].click();  }  } }); this.$body.find('> tr[data-index] > td > .detail-icon').off('click').on('click', function () {  debugger;  var $this = $(this),  $tr = $this.parent().parent(),  index = $tr.data('index'),  row = data[index];   if ($tr.next().is('tr.detail-view')) {  $this.find('i').attr('class', sprintf('%s %s', that.options.iconsPrefix, that.options.icons.detailOpen));  $tr.next().remove();  that.trigger('collapse-row', index, row);  } else {  $this.find('i').attr('class', sprintf('%s %s', that.options.iconsPrefix, that.options.icons.detailClose));  $tr.after(sprintf('<tr class="detail-view"><td colspan="%s">%s</td></tr>',   $tr.find('td').length, calculateObjectValue(that.options,   that.options.detailFormatter, [index, row], '')));  that.trigger('expand-row', index, row, $tr.next().find('td'));  }  that.resetView(); }); this.$body.find('> tr[data-index] > td > .tree-icon').off('click').on('click', function (e) {  debugger;  e.stopPropagation();  var $this = $(this),  $tr = $this.parent().parent(),  index = $tr.data('index'),  row = data[index];  var icon = $(this);  var child = getChild(data[index], data, that.options.treeId);  $.each(child, function (i, c) {  $.each(that.data, function (index, item) {   if (item[that.options.treeId] == c[that.options.treeId]) {   item.hidden = icon.hasClass(that.options.expandIcon);   that.uncheck(index);   return;   }  });  });  if (icon.hasClass(that.options.expandIcon)) {  icon.removeClass(that.options.expandIcon).addClass(that.options.collapseIcon);  } else {  icon.removeClass(that.options.collapseIcon).addClass(that.options.expandIcon);  }  that.options.data = that.data;  that.initBody(true); }); this.$selectItem = this.$body.find(sprintf('[name="%s"]', this.options.selectItemName)); this.$selectItem.off('click').on('click', function (event) {  event.stopImmediatePropagation();  var $this = $(this),  checked = $this.prop('checked'),  row = that.data[$this.data('index')];  if (that.options.maintainSelected && $(this).is(':radio')) {  $.each(that.options.data, function (i, row) {   row[that.header.stateField] = false;  });  }  row[that.header.stateField] = checked;  if (that.options.singleSelect) {  that.$selectItem.not(this).each(function () {   that.data[$(this).data('index')][that.header.stateField] = false;  });  that.$selectItem.filter(':checked').not(this).prop('checked', false);  }  that.updateSelected();  that.trigger(checked ? 'check' : 'uncheck', row, $this); }); $.each(this.header.events, function (i, events) {  if (!events) {  return;  }  if (typeof events === 'string') {  events = calculateObjectValue(null, events);  }  var field = that.header.fields[i],  fieldIndex = $.inArray(field, that.getVisibleFields());  if (that.options.detailView && !that.options.cardView) {  fieldIndex += 1;  }  for (var key in events) {  that.$body.find('tr').each(function () {   var $tr = $(this),   $td = $tr.find(that.options.cardView ? '.card-view' : 'td').eq(fieldIndex),   index = key.indexOf(' '),   name = key.substring(0, index),   el = key.substring(index + 1),   func = events[key];   $td.find(el).off(name).on(name, function (e) {   var index = $tr.data('index'),    row = that.data[index],    value = row[field];   func.apply(this, [e, value, row, index]);   });  });  } }); this.updateSelected(); this.resetView(); this.trigger('post-body'); }; //给组件增加默认参数列表 $.extend($.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults, { treeView: false,//treeView视图 treeField: "id",//treeView视图字段 treeId: "id", treeRootLevel: 0,//根节点序号 treeCollapseAll: false,//是否全部展开 collapseIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right",//折叠样式 expandIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"//展开样式 });})(jQuery);




$('#tb').bootstrapTable({   url: ActionUrl + 'GetMenuList',   toolbar: '#toolbar',   sidePagination: 'client',   pagination: false,   treeView: true,   treeId: "Id",   treeField: "Name",   treeRootLevel: 1,   clickToSelect: true,//collapseIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-right",//折叠样式   //expandIcon: "glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom"//展开样式  });






[{Id: 1, Name: "系统设置", Url: null, ParentId: null, Level: 1, CreateTime: null, Status: 1, SortOrder: 1,…},{Id: 2, Name: "菜单管理", Url: "/Systems/Menu/Index", ParentId: 1, Level: 2, CreateTime: null, Status: 1,…},{Id: 3, Name: "订单管理", Url: null, ParentId: null, Level: 1, CreateTime: "2017-05-31 17:05:27",…},{Id: 4, Name: "基础数据", Url: null, ParentId: null, Level: 1, CreateTime: "2017-05-31 17:05:55",…},{Id: 5, Name: "新增订单", Url: "/order/add", ParentId: 3, Level: 2, CreateTime: "2017-05-31 17:07:03",…}]













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